

New Generation feeds the homeless in the communities. We sometimes join with other ministry to serve the homeless in the Los Angeles areas. We sometimes do a cloth drive and donate them to the homeless. We have started discipleship with the homeless. Our goal is to develop a program for them. And upon completion they could be plugged into the society. We have the plans of having shelters for the Homeless.



Caring for orphans is one of the core values of a true believer. Hence, we support orphans in Ghana. Our goal is to support orphans in the nations by partnering and donating to orphanages. And also building orphanages where there is dire need 



Our goal is to instill hope in the young adult and the youth in the communities through discipleship. Many people go through all kinds all of abuses and broken homes in their youth and their young adult stages. Certainly, people are affected by what they go through. Most often people carry burdens and baggage for years and into marriage, ministry, etc. And things could get worse because they didn’t deal with the scars and the wounds. The least hurt or touch can trigger the pain. It is therefore important to help the younger generation a solid and healthy spiritual and emotional life.



New Generation believes in the bond of unity in the Body of Christ. Therefore we join other Ministries on special occasions for prayer gatherings. We coordinate high mountain prayer meetings. We often go to the Mount Wilson in the Los Angeles area for prophetic prayers and declarations. The Prayers are often focus on the U.S, and the NATIONS. We also conduct Solemn prayer meetings when there is a critical situation or need within the Body of Christ and the Nation.



This ministry takes Street Evangelism seriously. The Lord wants the Church to go out and compel sinner to come in. We minister to people on the streets, at the malls and the street Markets. We pass out Bible tracts on the streets. Sometimes we do door to door evangelism